Blue Skies Smiling on Me!

Late last night and early this morning Clara midwifed the whelping of 6 pups!  Sky (Blue Sky) is now the WONDERFUL mother of six standard poodle puppies.

Fill out a Poodle Adoption Form today!

There are four girls and two boys.. all ranging between 8 and 10 ounces at birth.

Sky is happy and exhausted – as is Clara!

Congratulations Girls!

Happy Birthday Clara! (reprise)

Clara had her ‘friends’ birthday party at the outdoor pool!  Dressed for a luau they danced and swam away the day.

Happy Birthday.. Clara??! Yeah..  Here’s MyBoy, not Clara.  …he can sure dress in drag and do the hula!

9 Jun 2008, 2:14pm

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Happy Birthday Clara!

Pretty in pink and a happily hugged… Clara celebrated her 10th Birthday with her family this evening.  A pasta dinner and an ice cream cake were chosen for the celebratory meal and a small pool party with friends will occur later this month.

Tall Odds

Michael, at 6 feet, and Smoke, at 16.1 hands, may have finally stopped growing.. but I wouldn’t bet on it yet!

Here they are enjoying a rare moment of April sunshine.  🙂

18 Feb 2008, 2:04pm

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Out to lunch!

Clara and America got to go out to lunch today!  Clara has vegetable soup. Mmmmm.

We are the Champions!

Clara is giddy with Joy as Izzabella finishes her Championship at this show.  Way to go girls!

Clara, and her friend Desiree, are enjoying showing at the the cat show together!


America and her friends Ian and Margaret are now all graduates with their BS in Environmental Engineering.

Congratulations Guys!

America went on to be the speaker at graduation and both she and Ian will be returning for graduate school next year.  Margaret is happily moving on with her job in Portland.

9 Jun 2006, 4:25pm

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Clara is 8!

Clara recently celebrated her birthday at home with an intimate family dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, her favorite, lovingly prepared by her Dahd, the Scott Jackson.

A good time was had by all!

Clara marked this day with gifts from her family. From Grammy and Grampy in Portland, Maine she received the lovely alexandrite and diamond earrings you can see in the photos and from the Oregon branch of the family she received her very own bed-buddy and dress-up / play-partner, Izzabella, a champaign point Tonkinese kitten.

Happy Birthday Clara!  You are muchly loved!

Thank you Grammy and Grampy for the beautiful earrings!!!!!!!

5 May 2006, 4:13pm

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Musk Oxen!

America went to Anchorage for a SWE conference and got to pet the musk-oxen!

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