
Seven little munchkins came to our house today!  All of Izzabella’s tonkinese kittens are doing well.  She’s getting lots of good food, has plenty of milk and love and care for all the babes.  They are just three hours old!

We post some of our videos on as AGFVideo if you want to look for more!

We are the Champions!

Clara is giddy with Joy as Izzabella finishes her Championship at this show.  Way to go girls!

Clara, and her friend Desiree, are enjoying showing at the the cat show together!

5 cat pile up!

Oh Noes!  They all got smooshed together!

1 – Lightning

2 – Izzabella

3 – Flash

4 – Orion

5 – Gideon

  • Apples

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