11 Jun 2006, 4:27pm

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The most expensive bed at Applegate Farms

Applegate Farm’s Puff, the Magic Dragon, enjoys a warm nap in the Sunday sunshine after helping out the family by mowing the back yard.  Needless to say, he picked the prize Iris garden to lie in…

9 Jun 2006, 4:25pm

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Clara is 8!

Clara recently celebrated her birthday at home with an intimate family dinner of spaghetti and meatballs, her favorite, lovingly prepared by her Dahd, the Scott Jackson.

A good time was had by all!

Clara marked this day with gifts from her family. From Grammy and Grampy in Portland, Maine she received the lovely alexandrite and diamond earrings you can see in the photos and from the Oregon branch of the family she received her very own bed-buddy and dress-up / play-partner, Izzabella, a champaign point Tonkinese kitten.

Happy Birthday Clara!  You are muchly loved!

Thank you Grammy and Grampy for the beautiful earrings!!!!!!!

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