24 Oct 2010, 3:39am


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Solomon shows of his beautiful Aqua eyes and dramatic Natural Mink coloring.

Tonkinese come in four colors in three different shades according to their genetic inheritance.

The colors are:

  • Platinum
  • Blue
  • Champagne
  • Natural

Eye color corresponds with the shading of the body color:

  • Points, lighter body color & highly contrasting points, have Blue eyes.
  • Minks, point color tempers body color for medium contrast, have Aqua eyes.
  • Solids, little contrast between body color and points, have Green eyes.

All Tonkinese are playful, loving, athletic, mischievous, and kind!

Many learn to play fetch, walk on a leash, can be taught to use the toilet instead of a litter box, and will eagerly await the return of their human companions! Tonks love to snuggle and can frequently be found piled in together in what is affectionately called… a Tonk Pile!

Remember Life’s Little Instruction Book says that kittens are better in pairs.  Two are hardly any more work and twice as much fun!

We only have litters when we have enough names on the waiting list – so please fill out a Tonk Adoption Form today!

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