In Memorial..

Michele Hawkins

August 23, 1953-October 6, 2003

The equine world has lost a remarkable horsewoman and friend, particularly a staunch proponent of the beauty, intelligence, strength, size, versatility and dependability of the Crabbet Arabian.

Michele has a long list of lifetime accomplishments for a life so shortly lived. She was a surgical veterinary technician, a trainer of exotic animals (she loved the big cats!), a licensed horse judge, a triumphant competitor, a breeder of 38 years who continuously strove to improve and perfect the Crabbet Arabian, an educator,  a public speaker, a foster parent, a mediator, an active responsible citizen, a community leader, a wife, and a friend.

Michele was not only an accomplished trainer of horses, but one of humans as well, as demonstrated by the quality of people with whom she chose to surround herself. Michele would spend countless hours teaching a class of students from the Equine Studies Department at Oregon State University the value of quality, and the concept of engineering horses for today’s professional and horse fancier. She developed and taught the theory of “Inherited Genetic Response” and would demonstrate how to use that factor in the careful planned breeding of future generations so that the fine qualities we love in our horses would continue to course through the veins of their offspring.

Michele was an example to both the humans she ministered to and the equines she trained. She said, “You suit up, you show up, you do your best, you forgive yourself and others for their mistakes, you have fun, and when you lay your head down at night you pray for another day to do it all over again.”

All we have, or ever will, accomplish with our horses is dedicated to the life of Michele Hawkins.

Michele’s skill and insight as a breeder and trainer of animals allowed her to find – not only the perfect horses for our wants and needs but  – the exact horse companion to match each individual’s personality.

Michele was a strong advocate of the companionship between a horse and their human counterpart.  She encouraged each of us to live up to the love and faith our beloved horses have in us.

Thank you Coach!!!!!

Applegate, Brandywine and Crownridge Arabians

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